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Our Story

Lone Star Bettas has partnered with Smart Start Bettas to bring you Texas bred and raised bettas. Hand selected out of thousands raised right here in Texas where we know the parents of each offspring.

Lone Star Bettas has changed main operations over to producing Texas bred and raised Guppies along with imported strains for breeders.

Our Fish

I take pride in the fish we breed and treat each one as if they were going to be our own. You can have peace of mind knowing that each fish is meticulously cared for by folks with a passion for bettas and guppies

Both bettas and guppies are either bred and raised by us in Central Texas or are hand selected from a trusted source. What you see is what you get. I will never post a picture of a fish and then send you a different fish unless you are notified of an issue with the fish you selected ahead of time. If it’s known to have marble gene I will put that in description of fish.


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